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Succeeding at Hybrid Publishing and When It’s Worth it to Travel with Gail Carriger
The Heroine’s Journey with Gail Carriger
The Heroine's Journey with Gail Carriger
Why a NYT Bestseller Switched From Trad to Indie - (The Self Publishing Show, episode 289)
Gail Carriger on The Heroine’s Journey
The Business of Writing: Gay Haldeman, Neil Clarke, Gail Carriger, Tamora Pierce & Herb Kauderer
What's the best way to put your work "out there?" Kelly Robson, Gail Carriger, Brenda Clough &
Tips For Long-Term Publishing Success with Mark Leslie Lefebvre
Value Your Books For The Long Term With David Farland
The "How to Write a Book" Series: Identify Your Area of Expertise
The 7-Figure One Person Creative Business With Elaine Pofeldt
#NaNoWriMo @ HCPL: NaNoWriMo Experiences